Besides the starting of WP3 in September 2020 also the WP4 is starting. In this regard the PlaMES consortia met to discuss further steps. The WP4 is handling the development of solution methods in PlaMES. The main objective of this work package is the definition of efficient procedures for the solution of the mathematical models developed in the previous WPs, building on the valuable experience of the operations research group at DEI of University of Bologna (UniBo) in the exact and approximate solution of hard optimisation problems arising in realworld applications. The models to be faced during the project are of very large size, as they are intended to consider a time discretisation with up to the hour granularity for an one year planning period, which implies millions (or even hundreds of millions) of variables and constraints. As a consequence, the research in the WP will necessarily go in the direction of detecting effective decomposition techniques that allow to define smaller subproblems that canefficiently be solved in practice using linear programming or integer linear programming techniques. Furthermore, the models may incorporate non linearities and stochastic components associated with the specific real-world scenarios to
be optimised, which in turn need to be handled efficiently within the solution methods through specific relaxations and linearisation. The overall result will be an iterative approach for which appropriate convergence schemes have to be developed.
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