It’s going to be a summer full of events for PlaMES.
June will be a very busy month where our project will be discussed in various venues.
The project has been mentioned in the Celsius project both on the website and in the May newsletter and it will be presented by Matteo Pozzi, Optit CEO, during the Celsius Talk: Integrated Energy Systems an online event that will be held on the 3th of June. Registration here.
Then the CIRED workshops in Porto that will be held on 2-3 June and it will address “E-mobility and power distribution systems“. Klemens Schumann will present his paper about a methodology used in PlaMES to identify residential supply structures.
Shortly after Optit will participate at the International District Heating Association Conference IDEA 2022 held from 6th to 9th June in Toronto.
Then Optit’s CEO will participate, as DHC+ VICE Chair, to the annual Euroheat and Power General Assembly, also in Brussels, the 21th and 22th of June.
June busy schedule will end with the InnoGrid Conference organized by ENTSO-E and E.DSO at which Matteo Pozzi of Optit will present the PlaMES project on both the virtual event (June the 14th) and at the physical meeting in Brussels on the 29th of June.
July opens with a very important event, the 32nd EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) Conference that this year will be held in Aalto. Matteo Pozzi will present the paper: Integrated planning of multi-energy systems (PlaMES): a comprehensive modelling framework and decision support tool.
At the end of August on the 30th ODS 2022, The International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, organized by AIRO, the Italian Society of Operations Research Optit will present the PlaMES project.
In September, 13-14, the 8th SES, Smart Energy Systems in Aalborg, will focus on 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4GDH)
We are so proud that our project will be showed in so many relevant initiative and we hope that it will bring it’s powerful tool to a wider audience.